To maintain the grass, I have been poorly and intermittently applying manure by hand. After a poor crop from 1 field this year, I had to do something about it. There are a few local horse and animal owners who are glad to have their muck taken and the Muck Junior allows me to access small sites and use my 3 vintage tractors (only 1 with PTO drive), with its own 10.5 Hp Briggs and Stratton. In 2 days last week I was able to load and spread 21 loads. I am baling hay today, which will give me more grass to spread muck on. In the past I had to load a large trailer, dump it, then use a wheel barrow to spread it....rather poorly, due to clumping. The Muck Junior does a great job of breaking down the dung.
With the spreader controls accessible from the rear of the tractor, I can vary the rotor speed to meet spread rate and clump break-down, throughout the load emptying.
I had intended to purchase a vintage, ground-driven muck spreader, but the state of those I found was completely inadequate for the real work that I needed to give them. The Muck Junior is sturdily made for a difficult task.
Cleaning out is a relatively easy task by finishing off spreading with dry dung or wood chips. If necessary a wash is easy. I drain and blow out with a light oil mix and everything is kept as good as new (great for a hobby man of course).
Chris Dunn - Cornwall