Machinery Made For You

Quad-X manufacture a range of ATV accessories and quad equipment catering for grass care, weed control, and livestock care needs.

  • Avoid Huge Muck Piles!!
  • Avoid Huge Muck Piles!!
  • Avoid Huge Muck Piles!!
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Quad-X Muck Spreaders

Avoid Huge Muck Piles!!

The daily task of Mucking out outhouses and stables can quickly become an unwelcome chore. Quad-X has developed a range of Muck Spreaders to help you avoid huge muck piles.

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Our innovative design has allowed us to develop the Muck Junior and the Muck Master. It is handy, cost effective and will allow you to spread your own manure, avoiding the need for a contractor, which can be expensive and often cause damage to the ground when heavy machinery is used.

Designed and Manufactured in Northern Ireland


The Muck Junior – 10hp, 5 barrowful capacity

The Muck Master – 16hp, 8 barrowful capacity












Galvanised Body for long life and durability


Muck can be shovelled directly into the Muck spreader avoiding extra filling


To maintain the grass, I have been poorly and intermittently applying manure by hand. After a poor crop from 1 field this year, I had to do something about it. There are a few local horse and animal owners who are glad to have their muck taken and the Muck Junior allows me to access small sites and use my 3 vintage tractors (only 1 with PTO drive), with its own 10.5 Hp Briggs and Stratton. In 2 days last week I was able to load and spread 21 loads. I am baling hay today, which will give me more grass to spread muck on. In the past I had to load a large trailer, dump it, then use a wheel barrow to spread it....rather poorly, due to clumping. The Muck Junior does a great job of breaking down the dung.

With the spreader controls accessible from the rear of the tractor, I can vary the rotor speed to meet spread rate and clump break-down, throughout the load emptying.

I had intended to purchase a vintage, ground-driven muck spreader, but the state of those I found was completely inadequate for the real work that I needed to give them. The Muck Junior is sturdily made for a difficult task.

Cleaning out is a relatively easy task by finishing off spreading with dry dung or wood chips. If necessary a wash is easy. I drain and blow out with a light oil mix and everything is kept as good as new (great for a hobby man of course 😉).
Chris Dunn - Cornwall


Contact us today and take the first step to a more efficient farm. We would love to answer any questions you might have.